Aktuelle Nachrichten
Easter greetings 2020 from Great Britain.

As President of the Guild of St. Gabriel in UK, may I wish you all a very happy Easter, despite the restrictions because of the Coronavirus. We have to stay in our homes unless we are going for food shopping of for medicines, but Jesus suffered much more than that for us. And, thank God, he rose again for us so that our sins can be forgiven and we can be with him in heaven for all eternity.
With Easter greetings to you all,

David Hague, and all the British Guild members.

Ostergrüße 2020 aus Slowakei

Easter´s a time for rejoicing as we remember when, God gave His only
Sou to us to rise and live again

Freude aus dem Siege der freiheit über die Sünde,
Des Lebens über den Tod, wünscht Ihnen

Láska Zeleného štvrtku,
viera Veľkého piatku,
nádej Bielej soboty
a víťazstvo Veľkonočnej nedele
nech Vás posilní a naplní
pokojom a dôverou
i v týchto časoch skúšky.

Požehnané a milostiplné veľkonočné sviatky

Ján Vallo